Shadetex – Superior Sun Shade

Shadetex Shade_Sail 1

Moodie Outdoor Products has partnered with Shadetex Sails to offer you their range of Superior Sun Shade sails and accessories. The Shadetex range is a result of many years of research and development in the shade industry. With industry best products and guarantees, and exclusive fabrics, the shade products we provide ensure that your return on investment is maximised.

By partnering with Shadetex, Moodie Outdoor Products can now offer the highest quality fully installed shade solutions that are designed to suit the wind loading in your area as well as the soil conditions at your location. We can also engineer certify the structures to ensure peace of mind.

Shadetex Shade_Sail 5

The large range of shade fabrics available have the following features:

  • High strength fabrics
  • Very high UV ratings
  • Stain, grime and dirt resistant
  • 10 year fabric warranty
  • Large colour range
  • Eco-friendly – 100% recyclable at end of life

Shadetex Shade_Sail 6

Standard sizes are readily available but we can also custom make sails to suit your project. If you would like to find out more or obtain a quote for your project please do not hesitate to Contact Us today!

Cro$$ing the Creek

Cable Bridge 5Kpa 40+66+20 Wodoga

What is the cheapest way to cross a large creek/river? The answer is with Cable Bridges. Moodie Outdoor Products has installed a number of Cable Bridges over the years. These pedestrian bridges are the cheapest way to “clear span” a distance of 20m and above.

Cable Bridge Lite 3Kpa Mt Beauty

The suspension bridge or commonly known as “swing bridges”, are a time-honoured way of crossing waterways and service communities throughout the world. We have taken what is a very old concept of footbridge design and developed it using modern long lasting materials that comply with today’s demands. Our bridges are factory prefabricated and erected in usually 7-14 days.

Cable Bridge 3.0 wide 5Kpa short

Bridge design is fraught with conflicting demands such as budget, regulatory authority requirements, maintenance aspects, aesthetics, site conditions and choices of materials used. We are well placed to help guide you through all the issues confronting your pro-posed bridge project and help you towards a successful outcome.

We would be pleased to discuss any project that you or your group are currently planning. Contact Us today.

Stockton CustomSpec Restrooms

Outdoor Restroom Custom Spec - Stockton Beach 3

Moodie Outdoor Products has recently completed the installation of a CustomSpec Restroom at Stockton Beach for Newcastle City Council. This particular restroom has been customised from the standard offering to include:

  • Impact Panel cladding on all walls
  • Solar powered lighting
  • Solar powered auto door locking

Outdoor Restroom Custom Spec - Stockton Beach 2

As much of the restroom as possible is pre-fabricated to reduce amount of time to install on site. All standard roof styles and layouts are available to customised.

Outdoor Restroom Custom Spec - Stockton Beach 1

We are happy to work with you to incorporate any required or desired customisation. Please Contact Us today to discuss your project.

Free Shipping in September – HD Table Tennis Table

24245 HD Outdoor Table a

Moodie Outdoor Products is currently over stocked with the HD Outdoor Table Tennis Table. For orders placed in the month of September 2017 and for immediate delivery Moodie Outdoor Products is offering free shipping Australia Wide. Please note – this is for stocked items only…so get in quick as there a limited numbers!

24245 HD Outdoor Table i

The Outdoor HD Table Tennis Table is easy to install and is perfect for any outdoor area. The table is completely weatherproof, can withstand 1600 kg and is shock, fire and graffiti resistant!

Contact Us today for an obligation free quote.


Anti-terror Impact Protection

Impact Protection Planter 1

With the release of the Australian Government’s anti-terror deterrent for public spaces, the viability of bollards, seating, planter boxes and other public space infrastructure is taking centre stage in all major cities around Australia. Moodie Outdoor Products has a large range of products available to allow designers of public spaces to seamlessly integrate these into the landscape. All of these items can be viewed here: Impact Protection


An example of such a product is the Magnum Planter. Used for higher level protection than our conventional planters with barrier forms. Lightweight planters are utilised and once placed the concrete is installed into the planter to provide the impact protection.


  • Tested to stop a 6,800kg vehicle moving at 80km/h
  • Made of GFRC lightweight concrete embedded in the ground with rebar
  • After the rebar is inserted, the Magnum Planter is filled with soil and ready mix concrete

Impact Protection Magnum Planter 1


If you would like to know more about any of these items please do not hesitate to Contact Us today.



Project Completion – Ermington Restroom

Restroom Solar Ermington 5

Moodie Outdoor Products has recently completed the construction of a new restroom for Parramatta Council at the Ermington Shop Precinct. The restroom is 1D3A in layout and has been designed to match in with the surrounding landscape.

Restroom Solar Ermington 9

Restroom Solar Ermington 8

A solar panel installed on a pole just outside the amenities block charges a battery inside the service duct which powers the lighting and auto timed door locks.

Restroom Solar Ermington 3

The building consists of of an external skin of face brickwork to match other existing brickwork in the reserve, and painted rendered blockwork internally. Anti-graffiti coating has been applied both internally and externally.

If you would like to find out more about this project please do not hesitate to Contact Us!

Project Completion – Waverley Cemetery Roocycle Arris Rail Fence

Roocycle ET Arris Fence Waverley Cemetery 1

Moodie Outdoor Products has recently completed the replacement of the fencing surrounding the Waverley Cemetery. In total there was roughly 600m of fencing that required upgrading.

Roocycle ET Arris Fence Waverley Cemetery 3

As you can see from the above photo the existing timber fence is showing its age and is rotten and sagging in most places. Council chose to replace the fence with the Moodie Roocycle Arris Rail Fence. The benefit of going with Roocycle materials is that they require no ongoing maintenance, will never rot, resistant to termite attack and are a sustainable solution. Not only that, but it looks great too!

Roocycle ET Arris Fence Waverley Cemetery 2

In total, approximately 16.5 tonnes of waste will be diverted from landfill as a result of this project.

If you would like to find out more please do not hesitate to Contact Us today.

GrassDiamond Paver

GrassDiamond Permeable Driveway Paver 4

Moodie Outdoor Products has a new addition to its range of permeable grass growing pavers known as the GrassDiamond paver. This concrete paver is perfect for area that require detailed water management and drainage, need to withstand heavy traffic and abuse.

GrassDiamond Permeable Driveway Paver 1

Grow grass in the voids or fill them with gravel to allow rainwater to permeate through and help with areas that suffer from excessive rain water runoff.

GrassDiamond Permeable Driveway Paver 5

These pavers are recommended for creating attractive and functional paths, patios, courtyards, driveways and to create off street parking areas.

To find out more or obtain a quote please Contact Us today!

Roocycle EN Penseur Seat

Roocycle EN Penseur Bench 5

Moodie Outdoor Products recently supplied these Roocycle EN Penseur Seats to accompany the gazebo refurbishment that was undertaken at the Newbury Ave Gazebo in Stanhope Gardens.

Made from 100% recycled plastic these seats are affordable, durable and comfortable.

Roocycle EN Penseur Bench 4

Bench seats are also available in this range. The seats and benches can be supplied fully assembled or in flat pack kit form (to help save on shipping costs).

85202 Penseur Roocycle profile 4S3L 1800

85132 Penseur Roocycle fab 4S2L 1800

If you would like an obligation free quote please Contact Us today.

Project Completion – Mago Furniture @ Lakelands Shopping Centre

Mago Lakelands 1

Moodie Outdoor Products recently supplied the bench seating for the newly developed Lakelands Shopping Centre. Our client selected the Mago Zen range of benches to feature throughout the streetscape. The Zen and Zen Duo bench are manufactured using a cement and marble aggregate mixture. The result is an attractive and unique bench that has become a feature within the Lakelands Shopping Centre.

Mago Lakelands 3

These benches have been supplied with anti-graffiti coating applied. With the Zen bench weighing 229kg and the Zen Duo bench weighing 530kg…these benches are sure to be looking the goods for a long time to come!

Mago Lakelands 16

Please Contact Us if you would like further details on any of the products from the Mago range!