Custom park elements complement a nature-themed play area

Solid shade structure with coloured translucent panels surrounded by toadstool styled rubber seats.

Moodie Outdoor Products recently supplied two custom park elements for a nature themed play area at Shark Park, Cronulla, NSW. The plans required a colourful solid shade structure that would be surrounded by seats covered by rubber softfall in the shape of red toadstools.

Colourful shade structure with translucent petal shaped roof panels surrounded by red toadstools integrated within a broader nature play themed playground.

In addition to supplying custom spec products, Moodie Outdoor Products supplied the giant shark themed play structure suited to toddler ages. The giant shark measured 9m length and 2.5m width, and stood at over 4m height.

Giant shark themed play unit embedded within a broader nature themed play area.

To find out more about these custom park elements or details about this project, please do not hesitate to Contact Us today.

Biggo Swing – The Safety Nest Swing

Moodie Outdoor Products is proud to bring you the range of Biggo Swings from Dynamo Playgrounds. This fully accessible Biggo Swing can be used by up to four children at a time; all sharing the wonderful sensation of safely soaring through the air in our unique parabolic arc.

The Biggo Swing utilises a lightweight aluminium dish for the user to sit on. The dish is surrounded by a unique impact absorbing ring to minimise the risk of head injuries to any children standing nearby. The most recent impact testing by an independent lab gave us yet more proof of how safe the Biggo Swing is. Where the standard requires an impact of no more than 100 Peak G, the Biggo scores <19; and, where the standard requires an impact of no more than 500 HIC, the Biggo scores <18. This makes the Biggo Swings one of the safest nest swings on the market!

The Biggo Swing is available in a number of configurations including multi- level swings. To view the full range available please click the following link: Biggo Swings

To find out more please Contact Us today!